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Careerminds: Bringing Outplacement’s Sexy Back

September 07, 2016 by Meredith Brandt

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The work world has changed more in the last 7 years than the 40 years before. Think about the generation before you and what their work world was like. Or even the generation before that. Dinosaurs might not have roamed the earth, but the ways of the former work world definitely seem archaic. Can you imagine doing your current job without the internet, computers, and tech at your side? And the world continues to innovate and change.

Most outplacement providers haven’t kept up with the pace of the work environment. Binders full of “How To Get A Job” pamphlets? An outdated list of resources to contact? No thank you.

With its innovation-focused ideology, Careerminds has made sure to modernize outplacement. From our beginning, we have been a step ahead of the technology curve. We are constantly updating our virtual resources to be in line with today’s recruiting technology. For example, the Careerminds platform has a keyword optimization matching system connecting our participants’ resumes with our job search engine. Our career consultants, technology professionals, and Careerminds leaders work together to address participant needs and gauge the work environment so as to be constantly updating what we offer.

Careerminds pools the years of experience of our own team members to establish the groundwork of what we provide, but we do not stop there. While other outplacement companies are getting stuck in their outdated and obsolete ways, we’re developing something new. From video interviewing prep to applicant tracking systems, we are pushing outplacement forward. We do not get caught in the rut that other more traditional outplacement firms seem to fall into. We take what we know and adapt it to the modern workforce. We don’t let ourselves settle with the familiar, rather we push ahead to make the next big thing a reality.

So go ahead, get excited about the modern way of outplacement. A modern way that knows you’re going to be looking jobs online rather than on a bulletin board. That knows you’re going to job hunt from your living room rather than job hunt by driving from office building to office building. That knows you’re going to email blast your coworkers about your love for Careerminds rather than send out carrier pigeons. We get it. Our competitors don’t. Got it?

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At Careerminds, we care about people first. That’s why we offer personalized talent management solutions for every level at lower costs, globally.

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