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Everyday Career Resolutions

January 27, 2016 by Meredith Brandt

January is not only well under way, but it is almost over. The new year resolutions you set just a few weeks ago may have fizzled already; maybe it’s time to reevaluate your long term aspirations and adjust the steps you plan on taking to get there. Especially for your career, it is never to late to set and adapt the little things you do to best achieve your goals.


What are some ways you can resolve, for the no-longer-new year and for every day, to make your work life and career better?

Never stop learning

With the myriad of online learning possibilities as well as opportunities offered at your workplace, you should expose yourself to as much information as you can. Go see speakers at industry conventions. Watch a webinar on something you don’t know much about. Go to those higher up in your company for advice or advanced career knowledge. Be sure to use what you learn to make your work more productive. One of your career resolutions should be not letting the day pass you by without taking away some new lesson or understanding.

Pay it forward

Not only should you reach up, but you should reach down. Help out your coworkers or those who haven’t reached your career rank just yet. You can learn as much from having a mentor as being a mentor. Even if you do little, simple things to assist those around you, you will make a difference for company morale as well as make your relationships more meaningful.

Make time for yourself

Don’t let stress rule your life at work. Time management is key, especially when balancing between your work life and your outside-of-work life. In her article for About Money, business expert and writer Susan Ward suggests, “If you have trouble freeing up time to do the things you enjoy, write time regularly into your schedule to ‘meet with yourself’ and stick to that commitment.” Everyone needs time to recharge in order to refocus. Make one of your career resolutions to make yourself a priority.

Kick bad habits

It’s time to keep your desk and your desktop organized. It’s time to stop being the last one to walk into the meeting. It’s time to quit checking up on social media while at work. It’s time to get up and move around instead of sitting at your desk for the entire work day. It’s time to speak up and pitch your ideas instead of letting work just be thrust upon you. It’s time to get rid of those little habits that are hindering you from doing the best job possible.

Don’t settle

Excel at what you do, make sure you get noticed, and achieve your career aspirations, in that order. It is crucial to keep communication flowing between you and your coworkers, managers, and employers. Even if you don’t know where you ultimately want to end up on your career path, make sure you’re always on the look out for your next step.

Career resolutions can be made everyday, and especially should be when you’re in the groove of your workplace. Subtle changes can make all the difference in accomplishing your goals for this year and the years to come.

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