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Outplacement Services in Calgary

May 22, 2020 by Shannon Perry

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What’s the first thing you think about when you hear that a company is doing a layoff?

While that answer is a bit different for everyone, for those who work outside of HR it may look something like a grocery checkout line with nervous, exiting employees waiting for their turn to receive a small severance check before being shown the door. But, unlike a grocery shopping trip, it was completely unexpected, leaving those affected shocked and the ones that remain anxious about their own job.

In reality, the only thing a layoff typically has in common with that image is the severance check. Most layoffs are well thought out and consider things such as vulnerable groups, seniority within the company, and other options that may allow the company to avoid a layoff all together. And, while a layoff event may be held due to unforeseen circumstances—such as a global pandemic that impacts the world’s economy—other reasons include mergers and acquisitions, which are far from unexpected.

While the reasons for reduction events are many, all of the best businesses understand the need to perform them to the best of their abilities. One of the easiest and most impactful ways to avoid the negative repercussions of a RIF is to use outplacement services.

Outplacement services in Calgary can seriously aid your reduction efforts by providing support to all involved, from HR to those being let go. Let’s take a look at what you should consider when finding the ideal outplacement provider for your company.

Outplacement Services in Calgary: A Refresher

Outplacement is a service that companies can use to help their exiting employees find employment after the layoff event. Though outplacement services aren’t mandatory at the federal or provincial level, many companies still choose to use outplacement providers. We’ll go over why Calgary-based companies should use outplacement later in this article, but in the meantime let’s talk about what sets some providers, like Careerminds, apart from the rest.

What to look for with outplacement services in Calgary

Like any other service, not all outplacement providers are equal in terms of the quality of their services. It’s important to consider company needs and what a provider excels at. Here are just a few of the most important features that an outplacement provider should have:

Accessibility. Outplacement services in Calgary should be accessible during off-hours and on weekends, in addition to normal business hours. After all, the entire city doesn’t shut down at 5 pm. Some employees may be accustomed to working second or third shift and wish to keep that schedule for their next job. While a career coach may not be available at 2 am, it’s important to have after-hours flexibility.

Flexibility. Flexibility, in addition to being accessible, is also important. The world is evolving every day, especially as companies and industries find ways to continue working amidst COVID-19. It’s important that outplacement providers in Calgary be aware of this and are able to adapt, too. Alternative communication, such as texts or Zoom calls, may be the most efficient way for a participant to communicate and the provider should be prepared to do that.

Quality. Though evaluating the quality of an outplacement provider seems obvious, it’s sometimes overlooked. When comparing outplacement providers, it’s important to consider if their primary purpose as a company is to provide outplacement, or if it is simply a service they offer. Things like engagement rate and success rate are both indicative of how good an outplacement provider is at what they do.

The Benefits of Outplacement Services in Calgary

Sometimes it can be difficult to see how one layoff event can impact a city. But, as COVID-19 raged across the country and many companies laid off a significant amount of their workforce just to keep afloat, the impact of layoffs became obvious. Even a single layoff event can have a big impact on people, so it’s important for companies to make sure that the RIF event goes as smoothly as possible. Providing outplacement services is one of the best ways to do that and here’s why.

Outplacement provides invaluable counselling to job seekers.

And, this matters because career coaches can offer professional insight into the world of job hunting while also alleviating the stress that comes with looking for a job. Though Careerminds is a US-based outplacement provider, we’re proud to say that our Canadian-based career coaches are uniquely qualified to help place Calgary’s workforce in jobs that will not only help pay the bills but that former employees will thrive in.

Career coaches can also aid in optimizing social media for participants, prepping for interviews and getting a former employee’s resume polished up by a professional resume writer so that they are ready to go.

Outplacement offers security and satisfaction with remaining employees.

Layoff events can often create a sense of unease with the employees that were not impacted by it. Called layoff survivor sickness, this occurs when employees feel guilty, anxious or angry on behalf of their former co-workers or when considering their own future with the company. Outplacement helps ease those concerns by providing a sense of security.

As a side note, it’s important to remain transparent with remaining employees about why the layoff occurred and to watch for signs of layoff survivor sickness. Surveys can go a long way in evaluating employee satisfaction.

Outplacement services in Calgary can maintain company image and brand.

The opinion of the consumer is often the determining factor in the success or failure of a company. After all, competitors are more than happy to take customers looking for a company that hasn’t drawn the ire of social media. And, one of the best ways to get bad press is to poorly execute a layoff event. By providing outplacement services to exiting employees companies can negate the impact of a layoff event. It shows that a company cares about the people who work for them.

Keep in mind that while federal and provincial laws make a certain amount of severance and vacation time mandatory providing more than what’s required, in addition, EI regular benefits, can help to improve public opinion.

Outplacement can help prevent lawsuits.

While outplacement isn’t a guarantee that former employees won’t sue you or file an employment standards claim, outplacement reduces the risks of it. By offering outplacement, existing employees can see that the company is going above and beyond to ensure success for the employee that’s been impacted by the RIF event. Basically, the more that an employer does for the employee, the less likely that they will take legal action against their former employer.

Alongside severance agreements, which can legally waive the ability to sue, outplacement helps alleviate the want to sue. By doing everything you can to support your outbound employee, you are showing good faith and helping quell those negative emotions that can trigger a suit in the court of law or – potentially even worse – the court of public opinion.

Outplacement Services in Calgary: The Wrap Up

Outplacement services in Calgary can seriously aid companies who may have to hold RIF or layoff events. Careerminds puts people first and uses next-gen technology to aid HR, employees, and survivors during workplace transitions.

By using an outplacement service in Calgary, you can ensure that every aspect of the event is covered from top to bottom and rest knowing that your departing employees have the support they need to land their next ideal role outside of the company!

Let us know what we can do to help make your next layoff event a success!

Shannon Perry

Shannon Perry

Shannon has experience creating SEO content and strategy designed to satisfy search engines while also providing useful and unique content to readers. In addition to strategy for multiple channels, She's created ideal customer personas for sites that produced targeted, tailored content that ranked. In addition to that strategy and content creation, she also has experience as an editor and content management (including freelancers.) Experienced in: SaaS industry knowledge - content strategy - HR - content creation - SEO content - social media management - written communication - content management - web content creation - digital production - knowledge briefs - feature writing - analytics & data analysis - marketing plan development - project management - search engine optimization - SEO writing

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